Weekly Wellness
Short on time? Practice from our “Weekly Wellness” playlists: a thoughtfully curated, lineup crafted by our MaxSystemCare® Therapeutic Specialists for a purposeful weekly plan to support your health & wellness. Check back each Sunday for new classes & an updated playlist to plan your week ahead or look through our other options to suit your needs.
Movement Week
A week of practice to keep you moving for more of a think less, move more approa…
Cultivate Compassion
Use this lineup to help cultivate greater compassion to self and those around yo…
A week of classes to support reflection and help you see things more clearly.
Refill the Well
Use this lineup to help you recharge and restore with both movement & introspect…
You Got This!
A week of classes to help support your commitment to your practice and to what’s…
Reset & Refresh
A variety of classes to help you start fresh and feel your best!
New Year, Fresh Start 2025!
Start fresh with a lineup of classes to help you step into the new year with con…
Unwind & Reconnect
Use this weekly lineup to help you lean into what’s left of 2025 with a variety …
Perfectly Imperfect
Use this lineup to help you cultivate appreciation through a variety of practice…
Slow Down
A weekly lineup to help you lean into presence to appreciate the season.
Refuel Energy Reserves
Use this lineup to restock your energy resources with a variety of practices.
3D Wellness Lineup 22
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Healing & Restorative
Use this lineup to help restore energy levels, support immune function, and brin…
Mindfulness & Presence
This week's lineup instills mindfulness through awareness to body sensation, tho…
Calm the Nervous System
A lineup of classes with pranayama, meditation, and stress reducing themes in bo…
Relax & Rest
A lineup of classes promoting relaxation, activation of the parasympathetic ner…
Find Your Bliss
Integrate all layers of being as you explore the Anandamaya Kosha. This week off…
Connect with Your Inner Guidance
Cultivate clarity and detachment from the ego by working with the Vijnanamaya Ko…
Awareness Tune-Up
Dive into the Manomaya Kosha, exploring the mental and emotional layers. This we…
Recharge Your Vitality
Awaken your physical body and tap into your life force with practices that focus…
3D Wellness Lineup 21
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Enjoy the Moment
Use this week's lineup of classes to help you appreciate the moment in a variety…
Use this week to come back to what’s important to you! Recommit to your well bei…
Feel Your Best
Use this week’s variety of classes to help you feel your best.
Movement Week
A week of movement to help you move through whatever is weighing you down.
3D Wellness Lineup 20
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Let Go of the Details
Get a big picture perspective as you tap into whole body function with practices…
Steady & Stable
This week is about finding a strong base, whether it’s feeling physically capabl…
Find Your Baseline
Return to your baseline: simple, tried and tested practices to help you stay gro…
Challenge Your Capacity
Growth lies in the challenge, this week set yourself up for resilience over the …
Slow Burn
Celebrate slow & steady progress this week and cultivate patience and persistenc…
Examine the Big Picture
This week take a step back to broaden your perspective and allow yourself to see…
Soothe & Settle
Use this lineup to prioritize recovery & restoration and to choose calm in the f…
3D Wellness Lineup 19
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything
Mobility Week
Just as it sounds, we’ll explore mobility in all of its forms this week - active…
Slow & Quick
Use this lineup to explore pace of movement as a modality to challenge and enhan…
Novelty to Instigate Change
Moving in different & novel ways can be a great way to tune the nervous system a…
Enhance Positive Adaptations
This week has tools to instigate positive changes both physically and physiologi…
This week, ignite your inner fire with practices to tap into your strength and r…
Yoga practice can act like a mirror, showing us where we are out of alignment an…
This lineup of classes is designed to soothe your mind, body, and soul. Through …
Let go of distractions and embrace focus as you immerse yourself in practices th…
Focused & Present
Use a range of tools and techniques this week to anchor mind to body.
Stoke the Fire
Lean into the drive and discipline of deliberate physical or mental challenge wi…
Motion as Lotion
This week celebrates the sheer joy of movement, whether to boost circulation and…
Anchor to Intention
Kick-start your week, month and season with clarity of direction and purpose in …
Sustained Momentum
A variety of classes to refuel and refocus for your week.
3D Wellness Lineup 18
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
The Space Between
A lineup of classes to cultivate some space, ease & clarity in your day!
3D Wellness Lineup 17
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Revitalize Yourself
A week of revitalizing practices to help you feel your best!
Embrace Imperfections
A lineup to help shift your perspective to see imperfections as superpowers, as …
3D Wellness Lineup 16
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Refocus & Revitalize
Use this lineup to tap into authenticity & clarity of what matters most. Reaffir…
3D Wellness Lineup 15
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Refill the Well
A lineup of classes to nourish all the layers (physical, physiological, mental, …
You Got This!
We’ve got a variety of classes this week to keep you on track, help you refuel, …
Reset & Refresh
Use this lineup to help you hit the reset button with classes to release what yo…
New Year, Fresh Start!
Use this lineup to help you welcome the new year and the fresh start it brings w…
Celebrate Life!
A lineup to help you embody and appreciate the life within & all around you thro…
Celebrate You!
A lineup of short practices to easily fit into your schedule to help you care fo…
Celebrate Now!
A lineup to anchor you in the process and help you appreciate the now.
3D Wellness Lineup 14
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Let It Go
A lineup up to help you shake off stress and let go of what you don’t need to en…
3D Wellness Lineup 13
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Presence Toolkit
A toolkit to help you appreciate the moment with a variety of practices.
3D Wellness Lineup 12
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Take Time for Yourself
A lineup of classes to help you invest in self care.
No Time Like Now
A variety of classes to help motivate you to prioritize self care today with rem…
3D Wellness Lineup 11
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Make the Most of Your Time
A lineup of short, potent practices that are 30 minutes or less to make the most…
Drop into Life
Use this weekly lineup to help you show up for life and appreciate the moment wi…
3D Wellness Lineup 10
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Tap Into Subtleties to Enhance Your Practice
A week of practice to dive deeper as you relish the subtlety and potency.
Expanding Your Capacity
A lineup to help you expand your capacity for breath, strength, mobility & life.
Breathe Life Into Your Practice
A breath centric lineup to infuse your practice with depth & potency.
3D Wellness Lineup 9
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Practice, Not Perfection
Set aside your expectations and lean into the power of regular practice.
Focus through Distraction
Use this lineup to remind you how to find a calm center despite the inevitable d…
3D Wellness Lineup 8
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Set A Solid Foundation
Set yourself up for success with a sturdy and supportive foundation.
3D Wellness Lineup 7
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Bodywide Intelligence 2
Trust in the brilliance of the system as you embrace your interconnected bodywid…
3D Wellness Lineup 6
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Expand Your Mind & Your Practice
Shift your perspective and open your mind to other views & new ways of moving so…
Let Go of the Struggle
Life is full of struggles and we can either resist or lean in. Use this lineup t…
Support Internal Rhythms
This week we focus on practices to support the circadian rhythm with active prac…
3D Wellness Lineup 5
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Support Cognitive Function
This week we’ve got a variety of practices to support focus & efficiency through…
Resilience from the Inside Out
This week we focus on the layers of our health to support the body & mind from t…
Mindfulness as Embodiment Practice
Steep into the potency of mindfulness as a valuable inner resource this week.
Interoception as a Source of Confidence
This week, step into a series of practices designed to empower you to explore in…
3D Wellness Lineup 4
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Tune into Inner Intuition
Use this weekly lineup to tune into your inner wisdom through introspective prac…
Let Go
This week the focus is on Aparigraha & Vairagya. Aparigraha is a yama that refer…
Sauca, one of the niyamas, encourages us to declutter all aspects of ourselves i…
Earth Day Week
Use this lineup to ground yourself in appreciation of your internal & external r…
Brahmacharya is one of the yamas and can be translated as the right use of energ…
Commitment to Practice
The sanskrit work, Abhyasa, refers to the effects of a regular & consistent prac…
Do the Hard Thing
Lean into a variety of challenges in this lineup. Expand your boundaries & disco…
The Power of Perception
Use this lineup to reframe your obstacles & self-doubt as you shift your perspec…
3D Wellness Lineup 3
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Find Your Groove
Use this weekly lineup to get in tune with yourself and trust your intuition. We…
3D Wellness Lineup 2
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Mood Lift
A week of classes to lift your spirit & support mental wellness.
3D Wellness Lineup 1
A balanced lineup when you need a little bit of everything.
Amplify Life
Energizing & invigorating practices to support your week.
You Got This!
We’ve got you covered this week with some short practices to help you stay commi…
Stick with It
Use this lineup to cultivate endurance and staying power both in your practice a…
Refuel for Longevity
Use this lineup to refuel for sport, work, life, career, goals & training longev…
Build Momentum
Use this lineup to help you fuel up and challenge yourself as a way to cultivate…
Just Do It!
There’s no time like the present! Hit the reset button this week to begin the ye…
Steep in Gratitude
A week of heart focused practices to bolster health & wellness through this impa…
Short, Potent Practices
Short but potent practices to easily sneak into your schedule this week. Save th…
Nourish & Support
Use this weekly lineup to nourish your body, physiology, mind and spirit. You’ll…
Let It Go
Shed stress and find your focus this week with practices that help you let go an…
Let It Flow
Use these practices to shake off the week and get some movement into your day wi…
Power of Connection & Gratitude
This lineup was designed to help you anchor into the connection within & around …
Abundance Mindset
Our brains are wired to protect and because of that we have a strong inherent ne…
Clarify Your Focus
It’s easy to get caught up in our to-do lists and lose sight of what’s important…
Ishvara Pranidhana (Surrender)
This week is all about going with the flow and releasing yourself from the press…
Santosha (Contentment)
Use this line up to accept your practice, your body, your life exactly as it is.…
Svadyaya (Self-Study)
Svadhyaya or self-study is interwoven within the practice of yoga; our calling t…
Satya (Truthfulness)
In yoga philosophy Satya refers to the honesty in our actions and our words. Thi…
Tapas (Discipline)
In yoga philosophy Tapas manifests in many ways so you can use this week to puri…
Grounded & Calm
Find your calm this week with practices to anchor your attention in the moment a…
Nourish & Digest
This lineup is all about fine tuning the precious digestive system to nourish yo…
Settling Into A Routine
Use this week's lineup to come home to your practice and settle into a rhythm wi…
Movement Week
This lineup is perfect for desk sitters, quick movement breaks, or just some goo…
This well-rounded lineup offers refreshment for body and mind, whether that look…
Stay the Course
Use this week’s lineup when you want to commit to the path ahead, cultivating pa…
Express Yourself
This lineup invites you to let go of external pressures and expectations to be t…
Balance & Equanimity
Sometimes what we benefit from most is the middle path. Use this lineup to let g…
Tap Into the Zone
This week we’re focusing on optimizing performance through mindful presence, tap…
Mobility Week
The name says it all, but mobility comes in many forms so expect a variety of su…
Dig Deep
This week we’ve got a variety of practices to both challenge and nourish to supp…
Such an important part of any challenging endeavor (work, play or sports)! Fueli…
Embrace the Challenge
We’ve got challenges in many forms, not just the typical active challenges but a…
Trust in Yourself
This week is an ode to the beauty & potential that you already have inside of yo…
Strength Week
Sometimes you just need an extra dose of power to break up your week! Whether yo…
The Time is Now
There’s no time like the present to support your health and make a positive chan…
Cultivate Creativity
Use this lineup when you want to get the creative juices flowing on & off your m…
Calm & Clear
A lineup to use anytime you want a little more clarity & calm for your week.
Happiness on Demand
This week is all about choosing love, shifting negativity and magnifying our app…
Neurotransmitter Boost
This week has an extra boost of mindfulness, meditation & breathwork intersperse…
Accept Support
Use this week to lean in and draw on the support within & around you.
Optimize Neuroplasticity
This week’s lineup will explore some creative & perhaps unfamiliar movements or …
Appreciate the Moment
Use this lineup to tune in and embrace the moment.
Mobility Week
Use this lineup to facilitate both active & passive mobility throughout the body…
Balanced Effort & Ease
A perfect balance of doing & being to help support energy levels and endurance.
Spring into Action
Use this lineup to motivate & instigate movement & change in your body & your li…
Challenge Yourself
Challenge yourself this week with a variety of practices to move, strengthen, re…
Pulse of Life
Use this lineup to lean into the ebb & flow of life inside of you as you turn up…
Let It Be
Use this lineup to let go of what you no longer need and allow yourself to lean …
Reassess, Refocus & Refine
This lineup brings a fresh approach with practices for creativity, inspiration a…
Use this lineup as your reset button anytime you need to clear that slate for a …
Recommit to your practice, yourself and your health with this well-rounded lineu…
Tune Out Distractions
Use this weekly lineup to tune out distractions and get in the zone for your wee…
This week you’ll have a balance of practices to leave you rejuvenated and ready …
Endurance to Carry You Through
This week is all about balance to carry you through. You’ll have 2 yoga conditio…
Stick with It
Use this week to focus on strength, discipline & dedication with an extra yoga c…
Revive Your Inner Superpowers
Use this lineup to recharge and refresh so you can power up to boost your potent…
Clear the Slate
Hit the reset button this week to begin the year with a fresh start and some cla…
Support Your Health
Use this lineup to support the many facets of your health to rejuvenate from the…
Cultivate Gratitude
Use this lineup to cultivate more joy & gratitude in your life or when you need …
Make Space for You
It’s so easy to get caught up in the pace of life and yet so essential to make s…
Mobility Week
This week we’ll focus on mobility in both active and passive pursuits. Using yin…
Support Digestion
This lineup has a mixture of classes with some extra support for your gut. A gre…
Appreciate Each Moment
This week has a well-rounded lineup with plenty of reminders along the way to he…
Revive & Refresh
This week is full of practices to boost your immune system, a great way to arm y…
Strength Week
This week we focus on strength, but not just the muscles - we’ll also consider t…
Less Is More
A crowd favorite: use this well-rounded week of classes to move, nourish & rejuv…
Health Infusion
Use this lineup of longer classes for a 3-dimensional approach to focus on your …
Breathe the Change
Use this lineup anytime you need to hit the reset button or create some change i…
Steady Does It
Settle into your week with this grounding lineup of classes.
Restore Balance
Use this weekly lineup to help cultivate balance in your life. Balance in moveme…
Vent Stress
This week is all about working with and releasing stress through movement, myofa…
Accomplishment in Challenge
Sometimes we all need a little push and so this weekly lineup is about relishing…
Open to Potential
This weekly lineup is about embracing your unique potential through different mo…
Coming Home to Yourself
Use this weekly lineup to embody your week. You’ll have a foot focused practice …
Make Space for Yourself
Use these practices to indulge yourself in self-care in all forms. Movement as m…
Balanced & Concise
Use these practices to balance out your week with a variety of practices in a sh…
Feel-Good Practices
This week we have a lineup of feel-good practices for you to move, breath and en…
Purpose & Progress
This week we’ll focus on strength & purpose as we create some forward momentum o…
Find Your Spark
Use this weekly lineup to get re-energized through movement, inspiration and int…
Balance of Yin & Yang
This weekly lineup is all about balance of input & output. The balance of doing,…
Stillness & Introspection
With our full to-do lists it’s easy to lose sight of the importance of the down …
Embrace Individuality
The uniqueness of the body is so precious and important to remember as we step o…
Stress for Positive Adaptation
It’s ingrained in our DNA to think of stress as a negative element of our lives …
Lean In
We spend so much of our time creating and managing the moving parts of our lives…
Give Yourself Some Slack
So often we tend to set our expectations well beyond our capacity, which can hel…
Recharge Yourself
This week we’ll look at a variety of tools to recharge you from the inside out. …
Moving from Center
Use this lineup to come back to what’s important. Tune in this week to clarify p…
As Young As Your Spine is Flexible
This week's title speaks for itself with a focus on youthfulness & supporting sp…
Bodywide Intelligence
This week we pay some appreciation to the internal communication systems that we…
Strong Back, Wild Heart
Our busy & stressful lives often require a strong back to stand up in the world …
Back Yourself
This week we want to support your capacity to embrace challenge and step into yo…
Support Yourself
This week is about supporting yourself with some practice essentials to lean int…
Peak Performance 4
In this final peak performance week, you have a collection of classes to both ch…
Peak Performance 3
This week you have a different variety of classes that will continue to challeng…
Peak Performance 2
During this 2nd week of peak performance, you have a variety of classes to both …
Peak Performance 1
This week you have a variety of classes to both challenge & support the body & m…
COVID-19 Recovery Program
This program was designed to help ease you back into exercise post COVID-19. Alt…
Clarity & Focus
This lineup is all about creating space for mental clarity & focus. Start the we…
Let It Go
This lineup is all about shedding stress and letting go of what holds you back. …
Emotional Resilience
This lineup helps support emotional resilience by boosting confidence in your ca…
Calm & Steady
We’ve created this weekly lineup to help ease stress & anxiety so you can put th…
Mood Lift
Use this weekly lineup when you want a mood booster to support your energy and s…
Fountain of Youth 4
This week starts with a focus on the spine to recharge you for the week ahead, t…
Fountain of Youth 3
Start out your week with a mobility focus, with some myofascial release for thor…
Fountain of Youth 2
Lineup #2 of our Fountain of Youth series to focus on anti-aging practices or as…
Fountain of Youth 1
With so many wonderful ways to support our health with yoga, this week is the fi…
Detox & Nourish
This weekly lineup is great for either a gentle detox rejuvenator or at the end …
Detox Deep Dive
This week you’ll dig a little deeper to detox with some longer practices with mo…
Liver Detox Week
This lineup is all about detox and letting go of what is no longer needed. Use t…
Supporting the Shift
This weekly lineup is perfect to support digestion & elimination to facilitate d…
Stress Proof Your Week
This week is all about shedding stress with a 3-dimensional approach. We’ve got …
Build Your Inner Resources
This week is all about building your arsenal of inner resources. We’ll look at t…
Inner Stillness for Vitality
This week we’ll explore stillness in all its forms, using movement & myofascial …
Recharge Retreat
This week we have some longer practices to indulge in a more decadent home retre…
Remove Your Mental Blocks!
This lineup explores mental wellness with some fun, explorative work to lift you…
Shake It Off!
Need to move? We’ve got you covered! This week we’ll keep you moving when you’re…
Cellular Nourishment
Use this weekly lineup anytime you want to revitalize from the inside out. This …
Lymphatic Fun
This week we’ll focus on supporting lymphatics, an important one for regulating …
Immune & Respiratory Booster
This weekly lineup is a great one to come back to anytime you’re feeling like yo…
Athletic Recovery: Deload Week 2
This class selection is for weightlifting athletes taking a deload week, or anyo…
Practices to Support Breathing for Athletes
Breath awareness and mechanics are under-coached aspects of athletic training th…
Cross-Training For A Light Workout Week
A lighter training block or a de-load week is a perfect opportunity to include s…
Recovery For A Hard Training Week
A series of mellow recovery-boosting practices to complement a hard training wee…
Body Part Focus
This week takes some time to focus on specific areas of the body to spark suppor…
Athletic Recovery 3
Enjoy this selection of recovery classes to supplement your athletic training on…
Fascial Health 2
This week we’ll take a look at fascial health by loading the tissues actively & …
Athletic Recovery: Pre-Race Taper
This selection of athletic recovery classes is designed for runners, or anyone o…
Embracing Uncertainty
This week includes a well rounded approach to find inner steadiness in uncertain…
Fascial Health 1
Connect to fascial health with a 3D approach using both active and more passive …
Athletic Recovery 2
Cycle through this shorter lineup of classes as needed to complement your athlet…
Down Shift
A welcome rejuvenator for the whole body, this lineup has breath centric movemen…
Bring Back the Breath
This program is all about coming back to our breath. The breath often gets lost …
Athletic Recovery: Deload Week 1
This class selection is for weightlifting athletes taking a deload week, or anyo…
Cross Train Your Life
Whether you’re a professional athlete or a professional desk sitter we all need …
Move Stuck Energy
This program features mostly shorter practices for when you’re feeling stagnant …
Athletic Recovery 1
Enjoy this selection of recovery classes to supplement your athletic training on…
For Busy Bodies
For the busy movers & shakers of this world, this lineup gives you some quick do…
Strength Week
The title of this lineup explains itself, a full week of strength with a Sunday …
Mood Booster (half week)
This lineup uses movement & restorative practices to support you when you need a…
Stop in the Name of Love
This program is for those of us with a tendency to put ourselves last. We are bu…
Easing Back into Practice
Taking a break from your mat and looking to dip your toe back in gently? Try thi…
Stress Buster
This lineup is great for high stress weeks to address your movement & circulator…
Short on Time Daily Routine
This weekly wellness lineup is for the weeks when you want to practice daily but…
Maxed Out & Need Self-Care
This lineup is for weeks when you’re on overload and needing some focused nouris…
Focus on Active Mobility
This lineup is for weeks when you want to focus on active range of motion. We've…
Mood Booster (full week)
This lineup uses movement & restorative practices to support you when you need a…